Automatización de Tareas y Servicios Intensivos en Conocimiento

02 Feb 2022
Una Aproximación Sectorial al Impacto del Covid 19 en Argentina

Publicado en la revista Iberoamerica (Corea del Sur)

Automation of Tasks and Knowledge-Intensive Services: A Sectorial Approach to the Impact of Covid 19 in Argentina


The covid 19 pandemic led to an economic collapse and multiple impacts upon Argentina's labour dynamics. As well as in other parts of the region, falls in employment rates (both due to an increase in unemployment and significant withdrawals from the labour force) were combined with wage reductions for those who were able to keep their jobs. Thus, two important processes for the labour market complimented each other: a structural shock associated with a tasks automation as a reorganisation and substitution of factors, with a cyclical recession caused by the pandemic. The international experience shows the amplifying impact the latter has on the former, generating long-term consequences mainly in routine-intensive jobs. However, the knowledge-intensive services sector appears to be the most capable of cushioning the recessionary shock (both in terms of wages and labour absorption), even with nuances within the sector depending on the extent of the shutdown measures and its capability to switch to remote work. Finally, the task approach is decisive in capturing the ability to adapt both the cyclical and structural processes, absorbing a large part of the explanatory potential that sectoral classifications tend to bring about.


Knowledge-Intensive Services, Automation of Tasks, Covid-19, Argentina, Market Labour

